Lorrie's Blog

BC cherries

Coupla shows to tell you about-

Tues May 5th in Kelowna at the Grateful Fed, 8 PM

Thurs May 7 in Vancouver at the Railway, 9 PM

Both dates are with my good pal, Mark Davis, and Sarah Wheeler will be joining us at the Railway.



The ElPee

Wow. SXSW seems like a million years ago, and I just got home yesterday. it was probably the shock of seeing the remnants of a blizzard when we touched down at home late last night that jarred my memories outta my head.

Was a great time, tho- really awesome to see such great bands and catch up with old pals- thanks to everyone who came out to my show!

An exciting development- the vinyl version of ‘In Vein’ is finally here. Head on over to the SBR store to order one up… or bug yr local record store.

Tour dates are being finalized as we speak, so stay tuned!

Thank you, friends


To everyone who came out last night to the shows- I was humbled and flattered by the turnout and the love…
Jon Gant, who opened the shows, is simply marvelous, and a top-drawer dude, as well.

I couldn’t have done it without the help of so many great people – shout-outs to Rene and all the Ironwood staff (what a gong-show! you guys are pros!), JT (awesome sound, dude!), Tory in the CBC truck, Katherine and Catherine from CBC Calgary, Myke and Chad and everyone at CJSW, Brad from Steamwhistle, John Rutherford, Kenneth Locke, and of course the SBR crew- Jen Abel, Dawn Loucks and Owen Merrifield, AND my love, Jen.

Beautiful. Just beautiful…

Pre-game jitters

The time has come…

Well, the record has come out, and now it is time to deliver the goods. Many months have been spent hiding in Das Boot, making records and generally hermit-ing, a very rewarding experience, for the most part.

The shows tonight will be interesting, to say the least, as I’m not sure what will happen, although this IS what it’s all about, isn’t it? It will be good to get back in the saddle, so long as I can ward off the cold that is threatening.

I hope to see you out there tonight, or on the road in the coming months.

Stream it

‘In Vein’ is now streaming on the CBC Radio 3 site, but you can access it from the ‘music’ section right here. Check out the reviews of it in the ‘press’ section. Some of ’em are pretty nice, even if I do say so myself.

Don’t forget the Ironwood shows on Feb 28th- one at 7 PM, and another at 10 PM…

Speaking of which, I should go and practice…

Whoa – really? Who’dathunk?

Big news over here at LMHQ- after a seemingly endless stream of delays, ‘In Vein’ is finally set to hit the shelves on Feb 24!

It’s on the Saved By Radio label, and will be available on CD and LP direct from their site and at finer indie record stores, as well as digitally from our pals at Zunior.

To celebrate, the official release party for the record is at the Ironwood Stage on Saturday Feb 28 – 2 shows, one at 7 PM and one at 10 PM.

My friend (and incredibly gifted songwriter) Jon Gant is opening the shows for me.

If you’re interested in going, the folks at the Ironwood have suggested making a reservation – call (403) 269-5581. Tell ‘em which show you want to attend.

Tickets are $20, and that includes a CD.

If you’re into the myspace or facebook thing, a preview of the record is up on both those pages.

In Vein has gotten a couple favourable reviews already (no bad ones… yet, here, and here, and here, and a nice feature in this month’s Beatroute.

That’s all the news for now. Hope to see you at one or both of the shows at the end of this month…


Last Thursday, next week

Hello all-

Well it looks like the saga of the new record is almost over, and there’s a very real chance that those of you who pre-ordered may have it for Christmas… sheesh. Still time to get yr name on one if you haven’t ordered yet…

Release date is still set for late Feb., which should give me plenty of time to learn how to play the songs on it. Ha!

Speaking of playing, I’ve got a show at the Ruberto Ostberg Gallery – 2108 18 St NW – this Thursday, Oct 30. Anna and the gang over there are awesome hosts, and this is a new monthly series they’re putting on called ‘Last Thursday’. I’m the guinea pig for the inaugural event.

Early show – 7 pm – come down and look at some great art and hang- should be fun!


Not in my backyard, Doug’s


Hope all is well with you and that your summer has been great. Mine has been at times rewarding and frustrating, and always incredibly busy.

Many heartfelt thanks to those of you who pre-ordered the new record- your response and generosity were truly overwhelming. The bad news is, due to circumstances beyond our control, the release has been delayed yet again- this time until February 2009. This has been the cause of most of my summer’s frustration.

Fear not, good people- those of you who pre-ordered will have it well in advance of the actual release date, and I’m scheming about how to thank you all suitably and simultaneously.

I thought I should also remind those of you in the Calgary area about a house concert that I’m doing this Sunday, September 7th. It’s with my friend Dan Mangan from Vancouver, who is a great songwriter, and puts on an awesome show. It’s hosted by another friend of mine, Doug Freeze, who really pulls out the stops when throwing shows at his beautiful place in Bowness. I’m sure some of you are on his mailing list as well, but for those of you who aren’t, details are below. Please keep in mind that he has a strict ceiling of 35 people max, and the show is at 3 PM on Sunday afternoon. Contact Doug if you’re interested in coming.

Until next time-

Take it ease.


We are having another house concert this coming Sunday Sept. 07 featuring two fine singersongwriters. Lorrie Matheson hails from Calgary and is one of the finest songwriters I have heard. From his earlier work with bands such as Fire Engine Red and National Dust to his fine solo work, Lorrie continues to craft terrific songs with great lyrics and catchy hooks. I have wanted Lorrie to play a gig here for the longest time, and that time has finally arrived! Dan Mangan is a young musician with an old soul. One listen to his debut release Postcards And Daydreaming and I was convinced this Vancouver artist is definately worth checking out. Both artists will be performing solo. The show is Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. We will have it in our heated garage, unless it’s a beautiful day where we will have it in our backyard. We are looking for a max of 35 people, so please let me know ASAP if you need tickets. We will also be having a pot luck dinner afterwards, and all are welcome to stay for that. Details are below. I am really looking forward to having both Lorrie and Dan play here, it promises to be an afternoon of terrific music. Sure hope you can make it out.


Lorrie Matheson/Dan Mangan
Sunday Sept. 07 3:00 pm
$20 BYOB
4632 83rd St NW (Bowness)

Rock, meat, scissors

Hey everyone-

Some news to share:

I’ll be making the trek to Toronto to take part in some of the festivities during NXNE. Saved by Vinyl and Kelp records are throwing a bbq and bands bash at Global Village Backpackers (460 King Street West) on Friday, June 13 from noon to 7 pm. I’ll hit the stage early on in the proceedings at 12:30 pm.

My official NXNE showcase will be at midnight on the 13th at the Free Times Café (320 College Street). A singer-songwritery-type venue, referred to as “intimate” by the stage manager (read: small), so come early if you wanna check it out.

I’ll also be playing a show on June 18th at the Plaza Theatre in Calgary (1133 Kensington Road NW) at 6:30 PM. This is an awareness event put on by the good folks at the Arusha Centre regarding the City of Calgary’s continued use of cosmetic pesticides.

In other news, my new record is complete, and will be released on CD/LP in September by Saved by Radio/Saved by Vinyl. You can read a review of it here:

If you’re iPod-inclined, and you can’t wait for hard-copy, you can get an mp3 version (cheap!!) here:

There’s also a few tunes up here:

The mp3 download from Zunior will come free with the LP, but you’ll hafta wait.

It’s called “In Vein”, and features Jay Crocker (who produced it), Steve Fletcher, Brooker Buckingham, Chris Dadge, Scott Munro, J.C. Jones and Andrew Blizzard. A tour is being planned for late September/October- more details to come as dates get firmed up.

And lastly- a request. As always, with the release of a record comes financial pressures. I’m eternally grateful to my friends at Saved by Radio for everything they’ve done and are continuing to do for me. Some of the responsibility for releasing this record falls squarely on my shoulders, however, and my well has run dry. In a bid to avoid credit card interest rates, I’m making pre-orders for the CD/LP available, in the hopes that I can defray some of the costs of manufacturing.

If you’d like to help out in this regard, I’ll send you a copy of the new record (in whichever format you’d like) as soon as they’re in my possession. I don’t want to put a price on it- whatever you think is fair is cool with me, no questions asked. Send me an email if this is something you’d like to do, and we’ll make arrangements.

Thanks in advance, and I hope to see you out at one of the shows!


Like beer-league, but for musicians

Back into the fray

Well, since they nailed the door shut on the Karma last November, I’ve been without a weekly gig. Until the 17th of July that is… on that auspicious day, i’ll be hosting the new, improved Songwriter’s Open Mic every Tuesday @ Ironwood @ 8 PM. I’ll be warming up the stage weekly for all the veteran and aspiring songwriters of Cowtown. Come down- have a Steam Whistle (or seven) and listen, or get up and play- your choice. Just come and be a part of the magic!